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Fun Day Photos

11 June 2024 16:59

What an amazing day we had on Sunday! A HUGE thank you to all those that helped bring the event to fruition. If you stepped into a role in the service to fill a gap when others were setting up, for those baking cakes, lending gazebos, providing all things music, the set up and pack down team, for those that signed up to help on a stall and those that came along on the day and got given a job (!) And for all those that came along to the event, enjoyed the fun and chatted with the community; we are so grateful to you! The event was a huge success and couldn’t have happened without a massive team effort. Thank you.

For anyone that wasn’t able to come there are some photos below that will give you a flavour of the day and just in case it leaves you feeling like you missed out, don’t worry,  there are already whispers of doing something similar again in the future 😊

We hope that you felt blessed being a part of it all and we pray that seeds were planted amongst the community for God to grow.